e-commerce infrastructure中文什么意思

发音:   用"e-commerce infrastructure"造句
  • e:     E,e (pl. E's ...
  • commerce:    n. 1.商业;商务,贸易。 2.社 ...
  • infrastructure:    n. 1.基础设施〔尤指社会、国家赖 ...
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  1. Operates a comprehensive e - commerce infrastructure which consists of a reliable and secure payment system and an extensive public kiosk network - esd
  2. We have also successfully established e - commerce infrastructure in various sectors to support our economic growth . we have one of the world s most advanced financial information infrastructures in the region
  3. For a commercial e - commerce infrastructure , lack of security and versioning are quite simply showstoppers ? many potential e - commerce customers rejected corba for these reasons alone
    对于商用的电子商务基础设施来说,缺乏安全和版本控制是相当简单的暂停- -许多潜在的电子商务客户仅仅因为这些原因拒绝使用corba 。
  4. Firstly , as government is a provider of a large number of business services , efficient delivery of the e - government functions in the form of web services can greatly enhance the local e - commerce infrastructure


  1. e-commerce department 什么意思
  2. e-commerce electronic commerce 什么意思
  3. e-commerce enabler 什么意思
  4. e-commerce forum 什么意思
  5. e-commerce industry 什么意思
  6. e-commerce knowledge 什么意思
  7. e-commerce manager 什么意思
  8. e-commerce platform 什么意思
  9. e-commerce portal 什么意思
  10. e-commerce project 什么意思


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